Y6 Transition 2025/26
Y6 TransitionTransition 2025 - 2026
Welcome to our transition area where you will find lots of useful information before you start your St Augustine’s journey in Year 7.
We hope to welcome all our new Year 7 pupils in person through our intake days at the end of this academic year. This will be an opportunity to spend time with your Year Leader, have a tour of the buildings and ask questions about life at St Augustine’s.
Please return regularly to check for any changes.
Your St Augustine's Journey Starts Here.
Dear future pupil
Congratulations on being offered a place at St. Augustine’s; we are very much looking forward to welcoming you to our school family.
The transition from primary to secondary school is an exciting time but we do understand that it may be a little daunting, for both pupils and their families. Over the next few months, we will do our best to make your move to St. Augustine’s as easy as possible.
On the 25th and 26th June, you will come to your new school for our new intake days. You will have the opportunity to participate in some lessons, meet new friends and staff and get to know your way around school. On our intake evening, you will meet your form teacher, the other pupils in your form class and have plenty of opportunity to ask any questions you might have.
We are already in contact with your primary school about how you are doing in your lessons, what your strengths are and any areas where you might need help. We are confident that your Year 6 teacher can give us all the information that we need for you to make an excellent start at St Augustine’s.
As parents of St. Augustine’s RC High School, you will be invited to our Induction Evening on 26th June. This is the inaugural step in the five year partnership between our school and you. We will provide you with further information and our staff will answer any questions you may have in anticipation of your child joining the St. Augustine’s family. Our dedicated and caring staff will work with you to ensure that your child is safe, happy and successful throughout their five years at our school.
We hope you enjoy your final months at primary school and we look forward to meeting you in June and officially welcoming you to St. Augustine’s where we act justly, love tenderly and recognise God in our lives.
Mrs Hunt
Information Booklets
Pupil Information Booklet | Parent Information Booklet
What do I need to know before coming to St Augustine's?
Uniform | Equipment |PE Kit | Timetable | Rewards | Curriculum | We are a Nut Free School
What can I expect?
Your First Day at St Augustine's | Eating at St Augustine's | Getting to and from School | Bus information
Who will help me at St Augustine's?
Mentors | Learning Support | School Office | Anti-Bullying
What can I get involved with at St Augustine's?
Extra Curricular Clubs | School Production | Faith Life of our School | Charities | Meet our School Chaplain
What can I do Now?
BBC Bitesize - Starting Secondary School | Learn how to Tie a Tie
Uniform Suppliers
Grays | Ribble Valley Supplies | Whittakers | JPA Sports |
We are a Nut Free School - for more information click here.
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