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Governors (Removed June 24)

St Augustine’s Local Governing Body is comprised of 5 Foundation Governors, 1 Staff Governor and 2 Parent Governors. Associate Governors bring specific expertise to the LGB and are fully involved in the work of the LGB but do not have voting rights.

Foundation Governors are appointed by the Bishop to preserve the religious character of the school. If you are 18 or over and can obtain a recommendation from your Parish Priest, this might be an excellent opportunity to devote some time to Catholic education.

New Governors are welcomed by a friendly and supportive body and are provided with an excellent induction programme and opportunities for further training with local providers. New members are also offered a mentor to provide advice and assistance in all aspects of school governance.

The local governing body works with the Romero Trust and has the following functions:

Strategic direction:

  • setting the vision, values, and objectives for the school, in keeping with its Catholic ethos
  • agreeing the school development plan and the associated finances
  • meeting statutory duties.


  • monitoring progress towards targets
  • appointment and performance management of the Headteacher
  • engaging with stakeholders
  • contributing to school self-evaluation.


  • setting the budget
  • monitoring spending against the budget
  • ensuring value for money is obtained
  • ensuring risks to the organisation are managed.

Governing Body Membership

Membership - Declaration of Interests - Attendance

Governor's Portal

LGB Governor Attendance Record