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Assessments 2024-2025

In Years 10 and 11 we will report on a pupil’s commitment to learning using the following descriptors -

T = Working well

L = Areas for improvement

X = Cause for concern

Year 10 and 11 will also receive progress updates reporting the grades that they have been awarded in unit / termly / mock assessments

These grades will be recorded using the GCSE 9-1 or Vocational D*2 – P1 grades. These grades will demonstrate the progress each pupil is making towards their aspirational target grade.

In Years 7-9 we will report progress towards estimated pupil targets at KS4 using the following descriptors -

H = Working towards the top of the target band

A = Working towards the target band

X= Likely to be below the target band

Teachers will also report additional codes which will inform parents and pupils where improvements are required. Common areas are home learning, effort and revision for assessments.

Assessment Changes to Y7, 8 and 9

Parents will receive a HAX report twice throughout the year; early in the autumn term and a final report in the summer term. Progress Evenings in the spring term allow for detailed feedback and discussion regarding progress. This system allows parents to be updated regularly on the progress their child is making and to set targets for improvements for the next assessment window, if needed. Pupils can also be regularly congratulated for their hard work and effort by recording a report with no X codes or comment codes.

The HAX system in KS3 is different to the way the TLX report is used for our older KS4 pupils.

We will share and report against the most likely statistical grade that each pupil is likely to attain by the end of Key Stage 4 (Year 11). Every year we use the Fischer Family Trust to set aspirational targets for individual subjects based on each pupil’s SAT scores (KS2), gender and month of birth.

These targets are based on national data and therefore are only an indication of the grades your child is most likely to achieve. As your child moves through Key Stage 3 we will adjust the targets where we believe it is relevant to do so.

**Where SAT results are not available due to the pandemic we will use the results from baseline tests and/or CAT scores sat in the autumn term of Year 7 – These will enable us to produce a target grade which we will continue to refine.**

We believe that signposting the most likely outcome to pupils and parents enables us to have realistic and challenging aspirational targets that are achievable through consistent hard work and a dedicated approach to both class and home learning.

Staff will reinforce to pupils that the most likely grade is very much an estimate and that every year pupils often gain higher and lower GCSE outcomes than their target grades.

The percentage chance tables below indicate how likely a pupil is to achieve each grade 9-1 from a starting target of 4.

In the second table this is presented as accumulative total.

These tables demonstrate that from the same starting target grade of 4 students do go on to gain the full range of available grades. Many make less than expected target and achieve grades 3, 2, 1 and U. Many pupils do better than expected and achieve grades 5,6,7,8 and 9.

The most likely outcome is the grade 4. In this instance the initial target band will therefore be 4-5.We will use a band of two grades to provide a most likely outcome at the end of Year 11.

At each assessment point staff will indicate that class assessments and pupil application is likely to lead to each pupil achieving:

H = Above/ at the top of their target band

A = Within their target band

X = Below their target band

Unlike the KS4 reports the H, A or X does not reflect the commitment to learning. Staff will indicate where classwork, behaviour, home learning etc are disappointing. This may even be where pupils are recording a H or A.

Where pupils are consistently achieving a H, it may be appropriate for them to have their target grade raised.

We would not look to reduce targets if a pupil is demonstrating poor levels of effort, classwork and/or home learning etc.

Pupils receiving an X with a lack of comments in the code columns of the report would indicate that the member of staff can see that effort and commitment is present but that the pupil is struggling with the level of challenge. In this instance it may be appropriate to reduce the target band.

We will remind pupils that the Line (A) progress descriptor is likely to be used more frequently than the (H) descriptor. The (A) denotes that a pupil is currently working towards their aspirational target band but this is not a limit to what could be achieved.

Looking at the comment codes that staff indicate on the report will be essential to determine if there are areas of focus to encourage your child to improve upon. Pupils will record unit test scores and assessment pieces in their books and planners and we encourage parents to discuss these scores as pupils sit class tests throughout the term. Each year the Progress Evening is an essential meeting where staff will discuss and explain progress and attainment in detail. Please continue to check work in books and discuss the home learning that your child completes. All home learning is recorded on TEAMS and in planners and a home learning timetable can be found in the pupil section of the school website.

Year 10 Summer Assessments

Year 10 Summer Assessments

We intend to hold Year 10 summer assessments immediately before the Year 11 examination series – Wed 23rd April – Fri 2nd May

Key Dates & Summary Information  

Year 11

Sept 12th - Year 11 Welcome Back Evening

Oct - TLX Attitude to Learning Report and Progress Update

Mock Examinations – 4th – 15th  Nov

Dec 20th  – Mock Results Day

Jan 16th - Year 11 Progress Evening 

March – Full written report

Year 10

Sept 11th - Year 10 Welcome Back Evening

Dec – Progress and Monitoring Report 1

March – Monitoring + Progress Report 2

March 20th - Year 10 Progress Evening

April 23rd - 2nd May – Summer Assessments

July  - Full written report issued

Year 9

Dec – Progress Report 1

Jan 21st – Options Information Evening - School Hall 6.30pm 

Feb 6th – Progress Evening 

Feb 14th - Options Forms Completed

July – Progress Report 2 + Form Tutor comments.

Year 8

Dec – Progress Report 1

April 30th – Progress Evening 

July – Progress Report 2 + Form Tutor comments


Year 7

Dec - Progress Report 1

March 6th - Progress Evening

July – Progress Report 2 + Form Tutor comments.