Statutory Information
Saint Augustine's RC High School
Elker Lane
Tel: 01254 823362
Headteacher : Mrs Claire Hunt
Headteacher's PA : Mrs Claire Marsden (
SENCO: Mr Paul Earnshaw (
Chair of Governing Body : Mr Francis Hindle (
Enquiries should be directed to:
Class Teacher / Curriculum Leader for subject related matters.
Form Teacher / Year Leader for pastoral matters.
For any other concerns please call the school office and a member of staff will direct you to the appropriate person.
Information Documents
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, direct comparisons between the performance data for one school and another, or comparisons to data from previous years, are problematic and should not be made.
- School Performance Tables (DFE website)
- School Opening Hours
- School Curriculum
- Remote Education Provision (Sept 2022)
- Safeguarding/Child Protection
- Behaviour Policy (formulated in line with DFE guidance) and Anti Bullying Policy
- Pupil Premium Strategy Statement (2022/25)
- Public Sector Equality Duty(formulated in line with CES Public Sector Equality Guidance)
- COVID19 Recovery Funding Statement including Summer School Statement
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Report (including Policy) Link to Local Lancashire Offer
- Careers Policy Careers Curriculum by Year Group Careers information Provider Access (Baker Clause) Gatsby Benchmarks (Careers Lead is Mrs J Rutter
- Complaints Procedure
- Governors' Information
- Annual Reports and Accounts (link)
- Financial Information: No employees have a gross annual salary over £100,000 Financial Benchmarking
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- School Mission Statement Ethos and Values
- Term Dates, Event Dates, School Day
- Staff List
- Parent View
- Freedom of Information
- School Health Services (NHS) Privacy Notice
St Augustine's is part of the Romero Catholic Academy Trust,
Office 204, Group First House
Mead Road, Shuttleworth Mead
BB12 7NG
Phone: 01282 855500
Requests for Paper Copies
If, as parent of a pupil attending this school, you would like a paper copy of any of the information above, we will provide this free of charge.